FengShui: The Power, The Magic...

Let us analyze historical data to prove the existence of Chinese feng shui numerology and its accuracy. Since 2004, I published on the Internet(Chinese Websites) a lot about feng shui and natural disasters, feng shui and finance related to accurate prediction.

Now I will list some of my articles and I have translated them into English, as some of Chinese interpretation of Feng Shui may not be fully translated into English, if there are grammatical errors please forgive me for my poor English.


World's five most powerful women fall in 2016

2016 appears to be a bad luck year for powerful women. The world's five most powerful women all has trouble in 2016.

#1: Brazil's Senate ousts Brazil's first female president Dilma Rousseff.

#2: The United States popular Hillary Clinton lost the opportunity to become the first female president of the United States, and political career also come to an end.

#3: South Korean female president Park Geun-hye manipulation by a cult friend, could step down any time.

#4: The German Chancellor Angela Merkel also became increasingly unpopular in Germany because of her refugee policy(I warned her when she announced the refugee policy: she would pay a heavy price in the future).

#5: Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen is also under pressure after the election. Daily protest demonstrations around Taiwan against her policies.(When Tsai Ing-wen was elected I remind the people of Taiwan that the dark days are coming).

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
November 15, 2016

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Super Moon is not a good thing

The moon is "yin" just like ghosts like gloomy, always bad things happen around full moon. For example: Jellyfish come out around the full moon. Earthquakes also occur around the full moon (New Zealand 7.8 earthquake is a good example). And more sharks will often appear around full moon. yesterday, Hawaii Island of Maui just happened shark bite incident.

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
November 14, 2016

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2016 United States Elections

US voters slam the face of the media with their ballots. This year election 90% of the media favorite to Hillary, the media's behavior is unfair, especially for Trump. As a media in a democratic society, you should remain neutral, whether you like electors or not. Before tonight, election forecast show Hillary will win. But final election results proved that American voters will not choose a liar even if they choose a crazy man. Hillary Clinton's political career will end in 2016.

US stock market will be down because Trump won the election. But this is not a financial turmoil, this is just a prelude to the financial turmoil.

I am VERY happy today! The President of the United States and the mayor of Honolulu I elected, both won the election!

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
November 08, 2016

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Finally some people believed me

Last two financial turmoil I remind many people to quickly withdraw from the market, the results is people thinking I was crazy. This time some people finally believe it! Some friends (from: Canada, California, Hawaii) recently sold their investment house, I am happy for them they have earned!

I have been repeatedly reminded people except that house you living, all investment houses and stocks should sale it. Because the market bubble is growing! And the financial turmoil will be worse than 2007, at least 50 trillion US dollars of assets will be evaporated worldwide. If you do not want to be one of the victims, the best way now is to slowly withdraw from the market.

Now teach you how to manage your money before the financial turmoil. In the financial turmoil you should pay off the debt (for example: credit card debt, car loans, housing loans), hold some cash, and then patiently wait for the financial turmoil past. After the financial turmoil, I will tell you how to invest. Pay attention to my future articles.

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
November 03, 2016

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One reason you do not want Hillary elected

Recent terrorist attacks in the United States, you still don't got it? Do you still remember when German Chancellor Angela Merkel decided to accept millions of refugees, I post a article comments this is a very wrong decision. I was right, the result of terrorist attacks in Europe since then have taken place almost every month. The only reason I do not want Hillary elected is the Democrats refugee policy is wrong. The Obama administration refugee policy is wrong. I do not want the American people to live in fear in the future.

German ruling party defeat in Sunday's election is a good example of the German people have begun to take action against the German Chancellor's refugee policy.

Obama's government just as the German Chancellor as to curry favor with the voters to accept the refugees, this is a very wrong decision. The future of the United States will pay a heavy price. As long as there are a terrorist in one thousand refugees, the result could caused hundreds or thousands of people dead or injured. as well as trillions of dollars in economic losses. If you vote for Hillary, you are opened the door for Terrorist attacks. not to mention Hillary Clinton is a woman you cannot trust.

I still stick to my original prediction: do not want Hillary elected although I do not like Trump. Republicans should unite to oppose Clinton elected US president. If history is correct, Hillary Clinton is likely replaced by the Democrats party last minutes.

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
September 19, 2016

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Do we have other choice?

US presidential election more like last year's presidential election in Taiwan, the United States is likely to occur first woman president. Because Republicans have abandoned Trump, Trump chances to win getting low. That pushed Hillary to win US presidential election. She won not because of her strength, because Republican voters vote for her.

Should we be happy if Hillary Clinton elected? We should not, I'll tell you: if Hillary Clinton elected the next four years we will be miserable! Today Taiwan is the best example. Tsai Ing-wen Taiwan's first woman president, since she taking office 100 days ago almost every day is bad news; if Hillary Clinton elected US will also identical - always bad news.

If we can, I want to choose a third person instead of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
August 30, 2016, 2016

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The future of the United States

90 days from now we will know who our next president is. But this two candidates are not the best candidate for United States of America. I published an article last year: Democrat Hillary Clinton is no chance to win. Now I still support my point. But her only chance to win is Republican replace Donald Trump before the election. Why do I say that? if you remember that I wrote an article last year, the results of the US elections and the Taiwan election exactly the same. Last year Taiwan's election results they elected first female president, the other side lost because they replaced their candidate last minutes.

If Hillary elected what will happen? I'll tell you that our country will be miserable! Why? Remember I told the American politics and political results of your Taiwan is exactly the same.

Taiwan's first female president took office 3 months ago. But last 3 months each week has bad news, Taiwan economic moving backwards. At least 50% Taiwan people complaining about this new government. So like I say: If Clinton was elected the next four years will be American disaster and if she open the door for refugee the United States would become the next France, next German; terrorist attacks will never stop! All the large American cities will become the number one target of terrorist attacks, America will like today's Taiwan, bad news bad thing one after another. I can not imagine if Hillary Clinton elected what going to happen for the United States next four years.

And next year, when the financial turmoil arrive Hillary is no experience to face this kind of thing. If Hillary elected you should sell your stock holdings of cash it so that you may be able to retain some capital.

I now speak the voice of the American voters: In fact, we do not like Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. For me I don't like Donald Trump, but I especially don't like Hillary, because she is not a person you can trust.

May god bless America!~~~

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
August 11, 2016, 2016

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Prediction come true

Remember a few days ago I published the article which has been mentioned that Germany would not be peace, German people must recall their Prime Minister. The results is: in two weeks four terrorist attacks took place in Germany. The biggest mistake for German Prime Minister Angela Merkel is allow one million refugees into German, it will bring catastrophic harm to Germany.

Again: the EU will be disintegration, before that EU member will continue face terrorist attacks, the people of Europe will sooner or later find that the EU is really an organization should not exist.

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
July 24, 2016

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Europeans wake up!

Today, EU makes your life become more and more insecure. Britain left the EU is a wise choice. few years ago I already told you that the EU is a organization should not be established.

Today's(7/14/2016) terrorist attacks in France and hundreds of people dead and injured. Endless fear like this will continue to occur in Europe countries. People in Germany: you should recall your Prime Minister, because she will not make your country better and better, She will only make your country worse and worse.

Free movement for EU members will open a door for terrorists, they will use this "door" continue to carry out terrorist attacks in EU countries! Next year(2017) when the financial turmoil arrive, Europe countries will be hurt the most in the region.

Britain left the EU will bring short-term pain but long-term stability and prosperity. I believe that in the next 10 years there will be more EU countries would follow the footsteps of Britain left the European Union.

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
July 14, 2016

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EU split prophecy come true

Do you remember three years ago, I told you European organization should not be created; will ended in failure. Britain yesterday to a referendum to secede from the European Union, the result is in my expectation. The establishment of the European Union let many poor people got the free access to those rich countries created great impact(unemployment, safety and security, etc.). These effects will ultimately make the hatred increases, these anti-immigrant sentiments in those EU countries will increase, because some politicians for their personal image willing to received a large number of refugees. EU Member States will fall apart in the next decade and eventually had to accept the establishment of the EU was a wrong decision. Incidentally it is: the next year financial crisis will accelerate the disintegration of the European Union.

Now let's talk about why bad economic situation stock and property markets (in most areas) still rise? Today, the global economic downturn but the US stock market and property market is still upward. In fact, this year the US stock market and property market is still rising today, exactly the same situation in 2006 before 2007 financial crisis. When I sold all my stocks also closed the stock accounts and tell people you should run now, the results are everyone thinking I was crazy. In fact, I have proved that the five elements of fengShui is correct, I escaped unharmed. This year will be no exception, and now the economy in many countries are very poor. For example: Brazil, Venezuela, as well as war-torn countries in the Middle East. Now economic growth is low interest rates supported that, will collapse at any time. The global financial crisis just need some excuse to crash. For example: British referendum to secede from the EU caused a small global stock market crash (the US Dow Jes index fell over 500 points).

Do you still remember I prediction earlier this year to tell you it will be very very hot this year? Because this year is the year of fire, in so many countries at the beginning of May already seen a record-breaking high temperatures, and this year's wild fires will increase because of the hot weather. Short-term stock investment in power is profitable.

Good luck everyone!

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
June 24, 2016

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You believe the financial turmoil getting closer?

Anyone believe that the financial turmoil getting closer? Even my wife doesn’t believe that, we been discussed this topic many times. Our President Obama has been showing off the low unemployment rate and under his leadership the United States economy thriving. Unfortunately, it's all fake.

If the United States economy so good, Why the world's largest chip companies have to layoff 14000 people. Why the Best-selling mobile phone in the world latest financial report less than analysts had expected? Why the United States largest sport store have to declared bankrupt and closed all 450 stores. Why a large clothing store in United States just announced today closing 113 of its 739 U.S. stores(including all 3 stores in Hawaii) and all 41 locations in Canada. Such bad news for economic almost on the news every month, good enough to prove the Obama is lying.

Again: stay away from the stock market, sold all real estate investments(except the house you are living). The is only way you won't lose big in financial turmoil. In 2006 I was persuading everyone to get out the market, results are not too many people believe me. Today I'm still doing the same thing, so I'll warn everyone be careful if you don't want to lose money.

God bless Taiwan people:
because your mistake of choosing the dpp party to be your leadership for next 4 years. Taiwan Future 4 years will only become increasingly poor. Incompetent Taipei Mayor, ignorance some dpp legislators, these people will only make the people of Taiwan future increasingly bitter. the people of Taiwan will be miserable the next few years, the economy will be getting worse and worse when next financial turmoil arrived. Maybe this is God's will.......

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
May 04, 2016

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Two loser presidents

US President Barack Obama's foreign policy kicked a rock again, The first time is: the recognition of the ASEAN Summit ASEAN countries do not want to against China in south China sea. The second time is: recent visit to the Middle East, Saudi Arabia state television didn't reported that Obama's arrived and the Saudi Arabia King did not show up at the airport, And at the same time Israeli Prime Minister went to Russia see Putin's.

The situation of Obama with Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou in is very similar. Because Obama and Ma Ying-jeou are no achievement in their eight-year tenure as president.

Obama's Middle East policy it is a failure, today Middle East terrorist rampage, turbulent and hardship. We can say this is a stain for Obama. Now let's talk about the US presidential election: if no accident republican Donald Trump will be the next US president, unless Republican party don't want Donald Trump run for the president in that case Hillary Clinton will win.

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
April 22, 2016

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Ready to prevent the occurrence of large earthquakes

People living around the seismic areas, recent large earthquakes(Japan, Ecuador and Tonga) occur around the world; are you worried? I remember my article about this year's forecast was mentioned the super earthquake and tsunami happen in 2004 in South Asia caused 250000 deaths was the year of Monkey. This year also the year of Monkey a 12-year cycle.

must be prepared this year there will be many large earthquakes will occur, and occur at any time, like 12 years ago a Mega earthquake and tsunami could happen again, So if you live in an earthquake zone or high-risk earthquake zone people(Like San Francisco, Taiwan, Japan, Philippines and Peru), you should have emergency and evacuation preparations.

God bless everyone.

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
April 16, 2016

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Europe is paying heavy price for their failure refugee policy

Do you still remember more than a year ago I warned everyone not to travel to Europe and criticized the European refugee policy. Also three years ago I told everyone: European Union is an organization simply should not created, and doomed to failure.

Yesterday Brussels terrorist attacks just the beginning of the Europe nightmare. Peoples of Europe in the future will live in fear, Europe's economy will be in recession next year's financial turmoil will make the European economy even worse, this is the result of the terrorists want.

Received refugees and poor border management will be a source of future terrorist attacks. Only one way to stop refugee: stop the war!

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
March 23, 2016

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Wake up! Chinese people

ecently China's three major cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen) real estate price increases greatly. I do not think it is a good thing and very worried. Because this is a harbinger of the financial storm. I will now tell you that was not supposed to say so early predictions: the coming financial turmoil will occur first in Asia and Europe and affect the world, China is likely to be the fuse. Today, Chinese people investment in real estate reminds me of the 1980s the Japanese do the same thing, until now the results of the Japanese financial turmoil is still not able to return to the 1980s scenery. When the Japanese have invested in numerous real estate results in Hawaii ended in defeat.

Is the global economic slowdown, China's stock market crash in January, Hong Kong's property market fell more than 20%, and so the fact that we did not make it awakening? Don't forget the Chinese real estate market has more than 60 to 80 million houses nobody lived there they called it "ghost town", these are the bubble. You do not have to believe my prediction, but you have to believe that history, history won't lie; the fact is 2017 financial crisis will be arriving soon no one can stop it. If you do not want to lose everything run quickly. Now is not the time to invest, because of the stock market and real estate is bubble market. The big bubble that no one can eliminate it.

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
March 01, 2016

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Denmark Saxo bank 2016 forecast vs my opinion

Today I saw an article about Denmark Saxo Bank "Ten forecast for 2016", Including oil prices rise to $ 100 a barrel, Appreciation of the euro, Depreciation of the US dollar, etc. I can definitely tell you: Who believe their predictions you will lose your money. I will analyze their forecasts and provide my opinion.

# 1: The price of oil in 2016 will not return to $ 100 a barrel, and is likely to fall $ 10 a barrel. Because the lifting sanctions for Iran, the infighting between United States and Russia; also the appreciation of the dollar are not conducive oil prices recovery.

# 2: The devaluation of the dollar in 2016 is not possible, because US interest rates increased would make the dollar go up.

# 3: The Brazilian economy will not revive by the Olympic, because not every Olympic are making money; the problem of Brazil is the corruption.

4: The Democratic Party won't win the 2016 election, , Hillary can't win; because of Taiwan's Kuomintang defeat.

# 5: Silver price rose 33% nearly impossible. Because year 2016 is the "year of fire", fire unfavorable metal. Gold, silver and iron metal price impossible to rise in 2016.

Again, I have to remind you: When we close to 2017, we are getting closer to the financial crisis! Remember my advice: "Stay away from the stock market, reducing real estate investment".

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
January 20, 2016

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Now do you believe it?

Last few weeks so many things happened around the world, all in my expected. Terrorist attacks in Indonesia, nearly a thousand refugees sexual harassment hundreds women in Germany, global stock market like roller coaster ups and downs.

Last few months I constantly remind everyone not to go to the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Europe travel if not necessary. Because any time you are likely to be the next victim.

I also criticized the European countries failed refugee policy, Germany is a good example. German Prime Minister Angela Merkel will pay a heavy price for her refugee policy. European countries have often criticized the human rights situation in Asian countries, sometimes moral politics is not working. When you admit large numbers of refugees from the Middle East and Africa, have you thinking about local people? Their quiet life will be changed forever; the crime rate unemployment will rise sharply.

And I had warned you few months ago: If you have heart diseases do not invest in stocks market, because the stock market will be like a roller coaster ups and downs. As we enter into 2016 stock market volatility will be increasing, because we are getting close to the financial storm.

Good luck everyone!

Mr.Johnny Cheng
20 years of Feng Shui and Numerology Research
January 15, 2016

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